Working at Height E-learning Course Screenshot


Working at height presents challenges to safety. However, these risks can be controlled with a sensible approach.

Our Working at Height e-learning course is designed to educate staff on how to assess risks, and how to use the correct & safest equipment when working at height. The course covers both high risks that require thorough planning, and appropriate safety measures for low risks such as using a ladder or kick stool for a short period of time.

Our course will take your staff through 5 modules, from planning & assessing a risk of working at height to maintaining & selecting the right equipment.

In the sixth and final module, staff will be quizzed on their knowledge gained in the 5 educational modules of the course.

The questions they face in module 6 will be drawn from a bank of available questions meaning that staff cannot be coached or ‘learn’ how to pass.


  • Introduction
  • Planning and assessing risk
  • Selecting and maintaining equipment
  • Using equipment
  • Summary and further resources
  • Take the test
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